
Blog So Hard

Kanye West & Jay-Z ‘Why I Love You’ Single Artwork

This one is exactly the same as the ‘N*ggas In Paris’ artwork. I guess they really like the ‘Otis’ artwork because it is very similar to that one. September 13th is when these songs will become singles and will definitely hit the radio immediately. Hit The Jump For The ‘Otis’ & ‘N*ggas In Paris’ Artworks.

Odd Future Announces A TV Show

YES! Adult Swim announced that Odd Future is going to have a tv show which will begin airing in 2012. It’s going to be called ‘Loiter Squad’. Read more about it below. Today, Adult Swim announced that it has picked up Odd Future’s previously reported television show “Loiter Squad” and begin airing episodes in 2012.…

Wiz Khalifa Drug Charges Dropped

Not to long ago Wiz Khalifa was charged with drug charges that are apparently dropped on his birthday.. The Reflector states that there were several errors that were made during the arrest therefore the charges were dropped. District Attorney Clark Everett determined that the amount of marijuana seized on the bus did not exceed the…